Directed by Robby Carmona, and hosted by one of the country’s top models, Sarah Meier, the show featured the collections against a black backdrop filled with the designer’s sketches of their showcased entries. Simple, yet powerful, as this invited the guests to a journey of sorts, from conceptualization to the finish product.
Robin Gundran came in second runner-up, with Mara Chua as the first runner-up and who was awarded Best in Show as well. Gundran showed off his talent for curvaceous patterns that highlighted the feminine form, while Chua mixed plastic with fabrics (and ruffles) for a futuristic vibe.
Renan Pacson, who has been one of the crowd favorites since the start of the show and the competition, proved that he deserved the top spot. His utilitarian chic collection was amplified with the use of patent leather and sheer fabrics. His jackets with big lapels added a powerful aura to his women-on-top assemblage.
• GEN M: Generation MEGA, The MEGA Young Designers Competition 2012 was created for TV by MEGA Publishing Group. For the latest updates, visit Like MEGA on Facebook
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