Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to Block and Protect, like Neutrogena

neutrogena ambassadors
As mentioned last week, I am one of Neutrogena's Brand Ambassadors for their Fine Fairness line.  Our task is to share with you our discoveries and adventures as Neutrogena guides us to a radiant new version of us for 2011 :D  Let's start, shall we?

neutrogena products

Combating skin pigmentation isn't as easy as stoping melanin production.  There's more to it, as so I found out at our first Saturday bonding session.  Neutrogena's Brand Manager Gabby Roxas shared what the Fine Fairness line can accomplish:

1. protects
2. shields skin from UVA/UVB rays
3. restores healthy glow
4. prevents melanin formation
5. blocks transfer of melanin
6. renews skin
7. calms and soothes skin
8. lightens skin

Doing all these can definitely give our skin "new" life, and Neutrogena wants to give more to us by applying these 8 functions to our lives.  For two Saturdays, Neutrogena will be hosting workshops and talks for us brand ambassadors based on the 8 special benefits of its Fine Fairness line.  This is where we come in, and we hope to impart with you what we have learned from these fun activities Neutrogena has in store for us :)

Our first Saturday was a hearty one, with a health & wellness talk by Dr. Jason Penaranda and a Personal Visioning Talk by Ms. Analei Atienza.  Dr. Penaranda helped us in "protecting" our body, while Ms. Atienza worked on "blocking" negative vibes.  

Neutrogena jane with nikka

From Dr. Penaranda's talk, these are what I think are most important and that you should start applying in your daily routine as well:
* Wellness is a conscious decision to create and pursue a healthy lifestyle
* Wellness is composed of body, mind and spirit
* Taking care of your body means eating right, eliminating waste, exercising, and resting
* The easiest way to know if you're eating right is to make sure you eat all the "colors of the rainbow."  You don't have to remember which food groups have which vitamins.  Just make sure you eat a food type that covers a color of the rainbow.
* If your liquid waste is not light in color, then you need to drink more water to flush out the toxins.
* The best time to sleep is from 9pm-3am
* For your mental health, you should find time for your hobbies and/or play puzzles and mental games (Sodoku, anyone?)
* And for our spirituality, we should make sure to have a connection with God and the Universe.  

Ms. Analei Atienza is a natural in amplifying our positive thoughts.  She's a life coach who constantly helps people in need of a purpose or assistance in reorganizing their lives. For our first activity, she asked us to list down the things we can do with a paper clip.  After 5 minutes, she asked us to list down the things we canNOT do with a paper clip.  I had a hard time thinking of things I canNOT do with it.  I kinda felt bad that I couldn't think of anything for the second list, until she shared with us after her analysis.

Neutrogena Jane writing

It turns out that if you think of more things to do with the paperclip, then you're a positive person—which I think I am.  So, if you think you can think more of the things you canNOT do, then it's time to start thinking you CAN.  What was very memorable to me was when she asked us to close our eyes, and she pretended to hand out slices of green mango to us and asked us to eat it—all 8 of us agreed that we had a slight salty taste when we imagined eating the green mangoes.  So, what does this mean? 

It means that you can do anything you set your mind into.  Throw out all the negative thoughts!  Just as Neutrogena Fine Fairness can block and prevent skin darkening so that our skin stays clear, we can also block and prevent bad vibes (and toxins) for a happy US (with a clear mind, soul and skin) for 2011.

Always remember that our mind is so powerful that it can convince you to do things you never thought possible, or you'd be scared to do in the first place.  Our lives are just too short to be wasted on scary hunches, don't you agree?  Take that leap of faith, and who knows?—You just might be able to prove yourself wrong ;)

Find out what Neutrogena Fine Fairness line has in store for you, and get to know the other brand ambassadors by visiting the Neutrogena Philippines Facebook page.

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